Today anyone can have their own virtual garage

Unique items across the street. Thanks to the Internet and our application today everyone can have their own virtual garage. You can have your virtual garage not only at home but in every apartment, in every city and in every village. You can sell not only clothes, car or apartment but any other new or used item.

Buy the app, sell and buy freely, neighborhood by neighborhood

Testuj bez zobowiązań przez 2 miesiące

Testuj własny garaż przez 6 miesięcy bez zobowiązań.

Why we don't have competition

100% safety

No transfers or suspicious links

100% satisfaction

You pick up in person so you can see what you're buying

100% availability

Each apartment can have its own virtual garage

0% stress

No packing, shipping, cumbersome returns or unruly couriers

200% fun

Sell/buy an item make and gain friends

Rent a garage and display items

  • It will take you 30 seconds to add an item
  • you do not need to renew ads, once added the item will be available until sale
  • regardless of the category (also car, apartment) you can contact the seller without restrictions (phone, chat)
  • regardless of the number of published items and the category (car, apartment) you pay only for the maintenance of the garage a symbolic 3 PLN / month (the first 6 months you get for free)
  • you rent a garage - you have access to a virtual fridge
  • peek into your neighbors' garages and see what's new with them
  • support our idea with voluntary donations
  • share your garage or displayed items with friends and acquaintances on social media

With our app, you also gain access to a virtual fridge

  • start sharing food with those in need, neighbors or friends
  • you won't waste food
  • you will reduce your food expenses
  • you will get to know your neighbors and build relationships
  • but above all, you will start saving our planet

In response to the problem of food waste, we urge a new fashion and joint "neighborhood" dinners😊.


  • Mobile App
  • Regulations
  • Privacy Policy
  • Regulations (FullFridge)
  • Privacy Policy (FullFridge)

Copernicus Apps Sp. z o.o. (limited liability company), with its registered office in Białe Błota (86-005), Chlebowa 33/6, KRS number: 0000992078 (District Court in Bydgoszcz, XIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register), VATIN: PL 5543006162, REGON number: 52314729600000. Share capital in the amount of 50000,00 PLN.